On-line advice

How to use our services on-line?
Using the contact form below, name the type of service you need and describe your problem in detail. If necessary, enclose any documents and send them to us.
Within 8 hours (weekdays, during the opening hours of the Law Firm, i.e. 9a.m. – 5p.m.), you will receive a free quotation for the service you need.
If you accept our estimate, you need to make a cash transfer to a bank account provided in the email and send a confirmation of the transfer (sending the confirmation significantly shortens the waiting period for a given service).
If you do not accept our estimate, you can resign from our services without bearing any costs.
After paying for the service, you may be asked for further clarification regarding your problem or any additional documents necessary for rendering the service you ordered properly.
The service includes legal advice, legal opinion, a pleading, and a contract.
You have 7 days since you have received the service for asking questions concerning the content of the pleading. These questions must be closely associated with the service rendered. Otherwise, they should be the subject of a separate service.

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Hereby, the service provider informs customers, including consumers, that after rendering the service, i.e. sending the customer the content of legal advice, legal opinion, the contract and the pleading, the customer, including the consumer, loses the right of withdrawal from the agreement, and the consumer consents to the service being rendered fully by the service provider before 14 days time limit for withdrawal from the agreement upon Art. 38 Section 1 of the Act of 30th May 2014 on Consumer Rights (Journal of Laws, Item 827).